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index software work biography

biography before: i only used linux mint which was the default in school IT class 2019: some person said i should use linux because it has funny commands, and linked to a site that showed funny commands like cowsay, sl, and so on. i then used linux mint as my first distro, or maybe it was kubuntu? i don't know, something like that. i also tried kubuntu and xubuntu 2020: i continued to use linux installed in my whole disk for some months, except a few times i reinstalled windows to play games 2021: i came back to linux using fedora 34 at the time. i think fedora is actually the distro i used for more time until arch 2022: at this time and in 2021 i probably installed windows at some point to play games, i kept using fedora and debian again for some time 2023: at the beginning of this year, i remember installing windows and i used it for some months, until i installed debian, then arch, and then until now 2024: until now, i have only used arch linux in all my computers moral of the story: you can use linux if you don't care about videogames (and don't have a life or valuable relationships)